Monday, December 8, 2014

Fashion accomplishment 2

       It took me some times and headache but I finish the garments and I felt proud.

aztek inspiration gxtina
Yep, they rocked the outfits!

aztek inspiration gxtina
Orange crooked turtleneck crop top and turquoise pants with embroidery band

Split in the neck Fuchsia dress with embroidery band belt on edges

aztek inspiration gxtina
Start of the croquis

aztek inspiration gxtina
Croquis progress

aztek inspiration gxtina
Progress of the face

aztek inspiration gxtina
End of sketch

aztek inspiration gxtina

aztek inspiration gxtina

aztek inspiration gxtina

aztek inspiration gxtina
Fashion show (Spring 2014)

aztek inspiration gxtina
Maxi Jacket and short with embroidery band on edges
aztek inspiration gxtina

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